Building a Resumap

For fun, I built a resume map, or “resumap” using MapboxGL JS.

I first learned about resumaps from Mapbox’s Points Of Interest blog. An April 27 posting called DIY — Resumap! 🗺 caught my attention and I had bookmarked it.

This linked to a generic template to use and gave tips for locating coordinates for key places (hint: use Mapbox Studio). I put this together in an afternoon. You should try it!

I plan to continue refining my resumap a bit but it has the general structure that I wanted.

Possible improvements:

  1. nesting multiple locations under one heading:
    • ex). my first job had placements in CA followed by AL but the company was based in VA.
  2. adding points to depict key locations
  3. modify the default basemap style
  4. more media, maybe.
Written on July 29, 2018