
I provide consulting services focused on helping clients to develop geospatial data, maps, and insights for their organizations. Please reach out to me if you would like some help integrating mapping into your work!

Earth Logic has expertise in wildlife survey data, and GIS analysis support to land-use planning, protected area management, and natural resource management processes.


  • geospatial data compilation, processing, and curation
  • geoprocessing using models and scripts
  • database design, data modeling, database management, and data QA / QC
  • cartography and geovisualization


  • Great Elephant Census Forest Initiative - Data Analysis

    Wildlife Conservation Society: September 2018 – August 2019

    Earth Logic is partnering with Wildlife Conservation Society and Vulcan to harmonize wildlife surveys across forest elephant range. Earth Logic is providing data wrangling, translation, and management services for this project. The goals of this project are:

    • 1) to permit a range-wide assessment of African forest elephant status.
    • 2) to facilitate a comparison of standard methods (transect dung-count surveys) with emerging methods (DNA, camera traps) for status assessments.
    • 3) to create a baseline from which future surveys and monitoring activities can be planned.

  • Ecological Record Data Model for SMART – USAID Strengthening Central Africa Environmental Management & Policy Support

    World Resources Institute: May 2015 – December 2015

    Earth Logic partnered with World Resources Institute to create a harmonized Central Africa Ecological Records data model for SMART and harmonized 50 forest survey datasets to this model as part of this project. Earth Logic provided data processing, translation, and management services to the World Resources Institute and worked closely with Wildlife Conservation Society throughout this project.

  • Cartography of legal limits of DRC Protected Area system

    World Wildlife Fund - US: May 2014 – December 2015

    Earth Logic partnered with World Wildlife Fund-US to map the legal limits of DR Congo’s network of protected areas. Earth Logic undertook a systematic review of legal decrees creating or revising each protected area, defining their boundaries by their simplest elements, and mapping them using historic maps and other spatial data sources. This was Phase 1 of the Support Program to DRC Protected Areas Network (Programme d’Appui au Réseau des Aires Protégées), which WWF leads to support the DRC government in conserving biodiversity and safeguarding ecosystem services through an effectively managed network of protected areas.

  • Spatial Data Assessment for Large-Scale Infrastructure in Lower Mekong Countries

    Wildlife Conservation Society: September 2014 ­ December 2014

    In association with the Wildlife Conservation Society, Earth Logic undertook a research project for USAID’s Mekong Partnership for the Environment, which data related to large-scale infrastructure development projects in the lower Mekong region, with a focus on Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam. This research project identified data and information resources relevant to key sector projects, including hydropower, mining, oil and gas, transportation, energy and communications – which are likely to result in significant social, economic, and environmental impacts. Earth Logic conducted in-depth assessment on five significant and representative development projects, providing information about their geographic footprint, project investors, developers and timeline, social and environmental safeguards. This information informs partner organizations and civil society members about key data sources and identified key data gaps, which can help to strengthen civil society’s capacity to positively impact development.



Mr. Masselink managed, analyzed, and harmonized data submissions for Vulcan’s flagship conservation project, the Great Elephant Census, which was a pan-African survey of savannah elephants.


Mr. Masselink collected, managed, and analyzed spatial and quantitative data for land-use planning and wildlife monitoring activities funded by USAID’s Central Africa Regional Program for the Environment. He produced assessments of land cover change using high-resolution satellite imagery and assessed changes in the distribution and populations of key indicator species using survey data.


While at Wildlife Conservation Society, Mr. Masselink was team leader for the “Mining and Biodiversity in DR Congo” working group, which assessed the impacts from mining on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Mr. Masselink led the successful implementation of a national workshop aimed at introducing international best practices for the mining sector.