** Background**

Building scale-dependent view of data

Commands for creating and serving vector tiles

Preliminary setup:

  1. Install GDAL binaries and verify that ogr2ogr is accessible from the command line.
  2. On a Windows 10 machine, install CYGWIN Linux shell
  3. Compile tippecanoe using Cygwin following the instructions listed here:

convert Shapefile to GeoJSON using ogr2ogr

OGR2OGR – ogr2ogr works when at C:\Users\[user] docker run -it --rm -v C:\\Users\\joelm:/data klokantech/gdal ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:4326 -f GeoJSON KingCo_2000_Census_BlockGroups.geojson KingCo_2000_Census_BlockGroups.shp -Progress


  • Park Boundary GeoJSON:

ogrinfo input/geojson/Gonarezhou/Gonarezhou_Park_Boundary.geojson -al -so

  • Patrol Blocks GeoJSON:

ogrinfo input/geojson/Gonarezhou/Gonarezhou_Patrol_Blocks.geojson -al -so

convert GeoJSON to Vector Tiles using tippecanoe


tippecanoe -o output/mvt/Gonarezhou_Park_Boundary.mbtiles input/geojson/Gonarezhou/Gonarezhou_Park_Boundary.geojson

tippecanoe -o output/mvt/Gonarezhou_Patrol_Blocks.mbtiles input/geojson/Gonarezhou/Gonarezhou_Patrol_Blocks.geojson

serve local Vector Tiles using TileServer GL


docker run --rm -it -v C:\\users\\[user]:/data -p 8080:80 klokantech/tileserver-gl

Modify config.json file

{ “data”: { “Gonarezhou_Park_Boundary”: { “mbtiles”: “Gonarezhou_Park_Boundary.mbtiles” }, “Gonarezhou_Patrol_Blocks”: { “mbtiles”: “Gonarezhou_Patrol_Blocks.mbtiles” }, “Gonarezhou_points”: { “mbtiles”: “Gonarezhou_points.mbtiles” } }, “options”: { “paths”: { “fonts”: “fonts”, “mbtiles”: “/data”, “root”: “/usr/src/app/node_modules/tileserver-gl-styles”, “styles”: “styles” } }, “styles”: { } }

Launch Maputnik Style Editor

  • navigate to location of Maputnik install:

  • ..\Maputnik\public\